Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Thoughts on Illegal Immigration; Before and After

Through these past few weeks of researching and exploring the aspects of illegal immigration my thoughts and views towards the issue have grown in complexity. The issue of illegal immigration is a broad issue with many components that affect the United States as a whole. When I first decided to focus my blog on illegal immigration, I thought the issue was simple. There were two distinct viewpoints towards the topic. People were either apathetic towards illegal immigrants and their need for a better life or they were the exact opposite, wanting to send them to their home country in fear of the economy being negatively influenced. As I continued my analysis of the issue I realized that I had only begun to graze the surface.
I now know that illegal immigration is an issue that involves many aspects of society. The complexity of this issue is intertwined into the everyday lives of Americans regardless of economical status. Through my research I have learned about the role of the immigrant in society and how immigrants are a crucial part of the workforce in order to keep the prices of products reasonable for consumers. I have also explored some of the generalizations made about illegal immigrants and their situations in the United States. It is proven that over time, immigrants eventually pay more to the United States than they recieve in federal assistance.
As a result of this issue being so complex, the plans proposed to improve the current situation are often flawed and do not benefit all of those involved. After examining the impact of illegal immigration and the possible viewpoints, it seems impossible to find a plan that contributes to the satisfaction of all those involved. The key to finding an effective policy seems to combine elements from each argument and find the plan that benefits that majority of US citizens and is most humane for illegal immigrants without causing a decline in economy.
By studying both sides of the argument I have learned to take other people's viewpoints into consideration. I have learned that to "solve" a problem such as illegal immigration, we are US citizens must educate ourselves about the topic at hand and take into account how the decisions we make will affect the United States today and how it will affect our future.
My viewpoint on the subject has changed, due to the knowledge I have gained throughout this blog. I now realize that while immigrants come to the United States for a better life from terrible conditions and poverty stricken countries;however, they directly compete with high school drop outs and the lower end of the economical ladder. I feel that if an immigation policy is created where we can effectively regulate the number of individuals entering the country, we can shrink the gap between the social classes in America, decrease the unemployment rate, and keep consumer prices low, while maintaining the overall economy.


Ashton said...

I admire your personal growth from this project. I feel that your conclusion brings up an interesting idea, that we are actually hurting our lower class Americans by allowing unchecked levels of integration. However, do you not believe that it is our duty to the people of poorer less industrialized countries to help our international brothers as much as we can.

HealthyGirl said...

The changes and developments of your opinions are evident. Basing ideas on the information that you found and seeing how the many aspects of immigration affect people on a large scale proves that the topic has a lot more to it than what meets the eye. It is interesting to see how knowledge can help to change and mold our ideas, and with immigration your conclusions to decrease the social gap has value.

HealthyGirl said...

The opinions that are formed on topics early on are largely based on the media and the information that is clearly put out there. Actually researching a topic like you have done helps to formulate opinions on the topic based on individual ideas. The argument and stance that you take on immigration is well though out and produces a side that I don't think I would see on the evening news. Decreasing the social gap looks to be a good answer to our countries problems with immigration.

erin said...

I do believe it is our duty as a superpower to help others. However, who do we decide to help? It is obvious that we do not have the capacity to help all of those in need. I think that the best way to help people that are in need is to create an immigration policy that benefits the immigrant and the US citizen. I think that we should provide some kind of opportunity for individuals to come and work for a certain period of time and work in certain industries and businessess that need workers. This will provide the immigrants with some kind of income while being documented and provide the necessary workers. This gives the opportunity for individuals in need to come to the US, and for us to help them.

erin said...

Healthy Girl,
Thank you for your comments. It lets me know that I have effectively displayed my thoughts in a clear and concise manner. This is a topic I have a strong opinion about, due to the new found knowledge that I have gained throughout this project. I'm glad I have been able to educate you and the rest oy my peers with an accurate account of the immigration debate.