Monday, October 8, 2007

Illegal Immigration; What does it mean to you?

Illegal Immigration is an issue that has been widely discussed throughout the past year by lawmakers, presidential candidates, and many people in Congress. There have been many people that have voiced their opinions and offered solutions to keep these "Unwelcomed Guests" from becoming a part of the most powerful country in the World. While lawmakers and people of position openly discuss the immigration debate with a political mindset, we as Citizens of the United States should approach this issue on a more personal level.
As one approaches the issue of illegal immigration, one must remember that these immigrants are human beings and our equal. We as Americans have no right to look down upon these individuals in any way, shape, or form. Many of these individuals live in unbearable conditions far worse than anything seen in the United States. Many of the things that are taken for granted by many Americans, such as electricity, water, and shelter are luxuries to these people. They come to this country for a better quality of life. The United States is an economical giant and the most influential country in the World. We as citizens are aware of this, however it is more evident from the outside looking in. In reality, who wouldn't want to improve their standard of living, make more money, and have the opportunity to better provide for their family? As the foreign populations become more aware of the benefits of migrating to the United States, the population of immigrants will continue to increase.
There is growing concern about illegal immigration as the population of immigrants is steadily rising. Look around you, how many immigrants do you see?As states, statistically there are 21,148,699 illegal immigrants in the United States today. As we think about how illegal immigrants are affecting our lives, we must also consider the long term effects of their prescence in the United States on the coming generations. If we allow immigrants in the US, what will the World be like for our children and grandchildren? As adults, will they be considered a minority in their own country as a result of our leniency in controlling immigration?


Anonymous said...

With illegal immigration being such a national issue it is also one that is very important to our area also. For many years North Carolina has been primarily an agricultural state and even though it is becoming more industialized with such urban areas as the Triad, Raleigh, and Charlotte agriculture is still king.

One has to look at how the illegal immigrant population affects the North Carolina Economy. Many illegal immigrants today fill jobs that many low wage jobs in the agricultural arena that our legal citizens would pass over for such reasons as pay, work hours, and work environment. With the absence of these illegal immigrants in these positions we could see our economy suffer in many ways. Some may see this as one exploiting labor or dare to call this industrialized slavery and there probably are some situations that do resemble this and I am for finding these people who do this. However many of these illegal immigrants know the requirements of the work and choose to do this work that greatly benefits our state in too many ways to name. Without out these laborers our state would suffer in one of the most crucial areas of our state economy.

Anonymous said...

The illegal immigration in the United States has long been affecting us. Many of the blue collar jobs have been taken by these immigrants and left the US citizens to look in other places to provide for themselves. They have still performed at the same level if not better in some cases but they still are leaving those that have the legal right to be here jobless and a higher unemployment rate in the United States.

erin said...

Illegal Immigrants do benefit our economy in many ways, especially on the local level. They are willing to take jobs for lower pay and help farmers to plant and harvest less expensively. Illegal immigrants also rent properties in depressed areas where renters are hard to find. While illegal immigrants benefit our economy, we also have to take into account the way they negatively effect our country in general, US citizens, and the economy itself.

erin said...

By taking advantage of the lower paying jobs that are available here in the United States, in some ways illegal immigrants motivate US citizens to strive for a better education which will open the door for new job opportunities. This has a very positive effect on the unemployed because they may continue their education and obtain a higher paying job with better benefits.

Anonymous said...

we the immigrants are here to have and get a better life. to give an education to our family and work hard. we are not here to take anyones place and job.. we do work in lower jobs that non of you americans would work on.. like cleaning restrooms, working in farms so that you americans can eat you vegetables,, we cook for you guys at restaurants and clean for you guys too.. we are not bad people we just want to work.. there are some that are bad, but there are americans that are bad too.. what would you do without us the immigrants??? who will clean after you?? who will work on farms like we do??? no one!!! but us, the immigrants that will do anything for you guys to treat us good

erin said...

I realize that immigrants come here for a better life, to work, and provide for their families. This is a concept that is the basis of many of my posts. However, you must realize that there is only so much room in the United States. Immigrants also take advantage of government services that Americans provide and pay for. This is unfair to Americans who live in the United States legally. You also must realize that crossing the border without documentation is illegal. It is breaking the law, and law-breakers should be punished. The immigration policy is very ineffective because there are people risking their lives to illegally enter the country every day. If the American Government could modify the immigration policy that could control immigration while allowing certain immigrants to work for a specific amount of time everyone would benefit.