Sunday, October 21, 2007

Amnesty: A Possible Solution?

A topic that has been recently discussed in politics is "Amnesty for illegal immigrants". Amnesty would forgive illegal status and offer permanent residence for those individuals currently living in the United States. This option seems to reward illegal immigration and would encourage more immigrants to cross the border illegally.
If you ask me, amnesty is taking the easy way out. It is a temporary solution to a problem that will have a "snow-ball effect" and continue to grow until it is out of control. There may be no real "solution" to illegal immigration. The United States should deal with illegal immigration by combining many different strategies and not just allowing those individuals to become legal citizens of the United States.


Healthy Lungs said...

Amnesty does seem like the easy way out, and then anyone who thinks life is better in the United States can just come on over and be a citizen. It is like welcoming anyone over here, and what the heck, why not have any laws at all? This seems like it would get really out of contol and lead to no citizenship at all. If people want to be in the United States and live here as citizens, they should have to know about our country and speak the major language of the United States. Has English been considered the official language of the United States or not? The last time I heard, freedom of speech in the Constitution infered that there could not be an official language, even though most of the country speaks English. Maybe too many people would be out of job if English became the official language.

erin said...

Healthy Lungs,
It seems that we agree that amnesty is not a very smart choice in dealing with immigration and the illegal aliens in our country. These individuals have broken the law and allowing them to stay would simply ignore the fact that they have broken the law. I do think there should be some kind of consequence for their behavior, although I'm unsure of what is should be.
As for the language barrier, I think that Americans are somewhat ignorant in this sense. People in Europe and all over the world ae bilingual at the very least, if not trilingual. Americans need to be more educated on the topic of language. If more Americans learned to speak spansih, they could better communicate with their workers which would help their business be more efficient.

April said...

I agree that Amnesty is taking the easy way out. This new solution would not help the situation of our population of illegal immigrants but simply make more illegal immigrants to want to cross the border. The supposed new solution would not benefit America in anyway.